Our Story

Owner Profile

Mr. Ajay Singh Kachhwaha, the owner of Sinny Leopard Camp is a nature lover and a also preservationist and his focal point is to get up on a soapbox conducive to a tenable and superintended ecotourism that one can recognize through his perception and the way he has guarded and invigorated this camp, taking to heart and keeping the sustentation of nature in mind. To him, here, the air smells luscious, the sun burns are more scintillating, the colors seem more radiant and time almost seems to stand still.

Before he clinched to put together the endowment of Sinny Leopard Camp, he first reconnoitered 

Stud Farm

The camp is home to 15 Marwari breed horses and counting. The Marwari or Malani is a rare breed of horse from the Marwar (or Jodhpur) region of Rajasthan.

The Sinny’s is the the prod family to two renowned horses Jingle and Flame who were runner up and second runner up in “All India Marwari Horses”, in 2020 which is a horse show organised by His Highness Maharaja Gaj Singh II of Jodhpur

Before he clinched to put together the endowment of Sinny Leopard Camp, he first reconnoitered and enchanted with the environ and the natural panorama that it has as a profuse lagniappe. His inclination was to embolden people in order to embrace the refinement of nature and wildlife. To consummate this, he first reiterated that he surveys the jungle and its veritable part fathomlessly and evocatively which made him appreciate the natural dwelling in a vastly superior way. Apparently, this has proved to be his mammoth trump card which entitled him to bestow his guests with a superlative and the swankiest experience of the critter world.

Having being located at an off the beaten track of Rajasthan, this place was obscure and unyoked from the world. But the long haul and exertion that he put to give it a commendation has eventually helped this belt the entailed vogue for the jungle’s peregrination. His credence that nothing lights up the imagination quite like the thought of traversing the jungle has elicited a sense of wonder and connectedness with nature unlike any other biome on earth.

Disparate compared to Jawai, where there are hundreds of camps and resorts already foreshadowing, Sinny Leopard Camp has a singularity in its peculiar proximity and the services he renders here to the guests are not just matchless but also tones with the luxury in the wilderness and gives a nonpareil encounter of the nature. He along with the Sinny family holds an oligopoly in its area as there are no other camp or resort in this neck of the woods thus far. This has made the camp cliquish and the most ideal spot to appreciate the unruffled nature at its very best.

The underpinning and substratum of the camp was ramped up without any help from a third party or an interloper who has no sympathy or comprehension towards what is the rationale behind the camp. After having spent a magnanimous amount of time into the area and unfolding an amity with the macrocosm of the nature and the wildlife here, it is then that Mr. Ajay Singh Kachhwaha instigated the construction of the camp under his own surveillance from square one. Sinny Leopard Camp is built with an epiphany of the forest surrounded and gives the guests an essence of exactly what the camp is appertaining to. He built the camp with a Nairobi panache to it and in an inordinately beautiful way just like the ones we find in Africa.

Mr. Ajay Singh Kachhwaha also individualistically looks after the farmlands contrived within the boundary of the camp where all the comestibles, fruits and vegetables are grown organically using traditional farming methods and contraptions. It was always his linchpin to give nature back what we have withdrawn away from it and imbuing into organic farming is one of the ways in which he is investing his chunk back. At the same time, he forks out the guests with the best of natural wisdom as the produce from these cultivated farms are also apportioned at the camp for the meals to the guests.

Ms. Sinny Kachhwaha, daughter of Ajay Singh Kachhwaha, has embraced and followed through the leadership of her father of looking into the arrangements and various eventuality in the camp. Being a wildlife aficionado and bird fanatic herself, she recognizes the camp more than anyone else does after Mr. Kachhwaha. She is personally at the guests’ disposal to look after their entailments and is a one in all array for things. This allows her to hither the needs of the guests and pay a much closer attention into their hospitality to let them have an accomplished experience of what Sinny Leopard Camp has in store for them.

Amongst other pigeonholes of proclivity, Mr. Ajay Singh Kachhwaha is extremely deluded towards horses and inherits a stud farm at the camp itself. He is pledged to the conservancy, protection, stability, enhancement and aggrandizement of the Marwari breed of horses. With this intention and his effort, Sinny Leopard Camp is a home to 15 Marwari breed horses which is snowballing progressively.

One of the world’s primeval horse breeds, Marwari horses stemmed from the Marwar region of Rajasthan and for centuries, they were the unshared fixture of the Rajput warriors. Not only were they commemorated for their fealty and valour in battle, they were seen to be seraphic and haughty to even royalty. Two of these horses, Jingle and Flame, are acclaimed runner up and second runner up, respectively, in the “All India Marwari Horses”, in 2020 which is a horse show organised by His Highness Maharaja Gaj Singh II of Jodhpur. Famous for their beautiful features and ambling gaits, these horses of Sinny family are equines that trot with great style and lightness.