
A stay at Sinny Leopard Camp is a juncture where one can delve into the pristine biosphere of the nature. Covering over 495 sq km of exuberant forests and pastures, this area is a utopia that is chock-full of greenery and its invertebrate hosts. The tranquility of the climate, the bracing air of the woodland and the grandiose vision of the mountains surrounding the camp makes it one of the most stirring experience of our guests’ lifetime.

Sinny Leopard Camp accommodates its guests in such a way that they can imbue their leisure with an essence of quietude and spend their time discerning the ecological system along with a sense of gratitude and the importance of its conservation.

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Jungle safari

Guests at Sinny Leopard Camp are privy to the most spectacular and unexplored wildlife safari that Rajasthan has to offer which gives them a real taste of an adventurous escapade into the wilds. The camp serves at a perfect location of a sub-tropical forest that abounds various animals, birds and reptiles and the jungle safari arranged by us helps our guests to witness them from proximity. The thrill of a safari expedition away in the heart of the bewitching forest surrounding our camp is matchless.

The leopards here, are our foreground animal and one can see them moving without any restraint, abutting and coexisting with the local community which makes it the most distinctive part of our camp. Apart from the leopards, the encompassing jungle is a home to many other exquisite and rare wild animals. The safari helps our guests through the cognizance of various other different animals such as wild boars, nilgai, civets and many more which makes the overall experience a very rustic, bona fide and full of a sense of accomplishment.

Bird sighting

The scenic jungle surrounding Sinny Leopard Camp is a treasure for migratory birds. The camp being encircled by a wildlife sanctuary along with a private lake, it is an adobe for some of the rarest birds. The surfeit of greenery through the thickly wooden forest recompenses our guests with a world class opportunity for bird watching. One can trek to the valley regions of the forest that dispenses a hotspot providing myriad hours of bird sighting.

The private lake charms a lot of migratory birds such as Griffon Vulture, Himalayan Vulture, Black-bellied Sand Grouse, Indian Spotted Creeper, Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark, Trumpeter Finch and many more which makes our camp a Zion for ardent birdwatchers. Those birdwatchers wanting to experience the good rhythm of the chirping birds in a pollution free air and mesmerizing view of the greens, Sinny Leopard Camp is their dream place of nirvana.

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Nature walk to private organic farm and farm to table

At Sinny Leopard Camp, we acknowledge the unsustainability of the high-octane life of the present day that we engage into at the cost of nature. For keeping things “off the grid”, majority of our power needs are met through solar energy harnessed throughout the property. Along with this, our main constraint is to reduce the plastic waste and carbon footprints, conservation of water and follow a green practice by a considerable degree.

Our camp provides an exceptional experience to the guests with a jubilation of docile to the indubitable way of farming. Here, the guests can go for a morning nature walk and ramble past the green fields which instantly stimulates the ardor for learning about horticulture, cultivation and livestock farming.

Village tour

Sinny Leopard Camp is situated at a very remote area which is adjoining villages where our guests can go for an expedition which allows them to have an enchanting experience of the unique legacy of Rajasthan. Here, the guests run into the finest of rural life and flare out the best of Indian culture and tradition through the folklore and folk tales from the locals. Their sojourn is also associated with various excursions such as camel rides, trying their hands at local arts, crafts and pottery, etc. We also make arrangement for the guests to visit a local village home to exhibit the true colors of India radiating through these homes.

To get their mind and soul rejuvenated spiritually, one can also consider visiting a very old shrine of Lord Shiva. This temple is set amidst lush green fields with a waterfall racing down at one side and has a hypnotic view to it. People can have a short respite for lunch at the beguiling step well before they transition for an interaction with the locals where they dive into the culture of the village by just walking around and observing the daily life of the people. The overall village tour sums up to be an enthralling and consecrated experience for the visitors.

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Horse safari

Horse riding being a part of Indian nobility for leisure activity as well as a preparedness procedure for wars, there is no better place to mount on a horseback than the landscape of Rajasthan. We at Sinny Leopard Camp provide our guests with an arrangement of horse safari to ensure that they have the opportunity to experience the passion we hold for the Marwari horses and Rajasthan through the rugged yet beautifully inviting natural mural of the camp and around.

These magnificent horses are best options if you are enthusiastic for a unique experience of traversing through the local villages and give salutations to the families and children there. With horse safari, our motive is for our guests to encounter the true colors of wildlife and nature in a much more distinctive way and feel the spirit of these Marwari horses as you discover wildlife and green panorama by retracing old routes through the forests of the Aravali Hills.